

10 ways your cat is showing attention or love. Plus a few interesting facts!

You May have been wondering why your cat is behaving the way she is. Let's look at some of their behaviors:

1. Cat purring:

Most people know that cats purr when they are happy but did you know they can also purr when upset, injured or stressed? The purr comforts them. They first learn that behavior when feeding on the mother. Purring is the only noise they can make while drinking. It lets the mother know they are doing well.
Purring cause vibration of the larynx muscles at a rate of 20-30 per second. It triggers a release of hormones that relieves pain, improve bone density and heal wounds; some say they can help heal us as well.

2. Head butting:

Does your cat butt his head or rub against you? That is the way she greets you. Cats do that when they trust you to let you know they feel safe. Rubbing also allows them to share pheromones and leave their scent on you.

3. Kneading:

Cats learn to knead as newborns when they are feeding on the mother to stimulate lactation. They use that behavior to relieve stress and leave their scent on you. So next time your cat does this, just enjoy the massage.

4. Hiding:

A cat’s survival instinct is to hide or climb to keep predators at bay.
They also hide their excrement for the same reason. Furthermore your cat may be hiding under a bed or a sofa to get some alone time. If you cat is hiding, just give her some time. She will appreciate it and eventually come back.

5. Chewing on plastic or other non food item:

If you cat chews non food items, it could be caused by a condition known as pica. It is important to talk about it with your veterinarian because it could be a sign of compulsive disorders, feline leukemia and dietary deficiency.
If it is pica, it may be caused by boredom. So just remove the item he is chewing and give him more attention.

6. Sitting on your lap top:

Your cat may choose to sit on the TV, your laptop, tablet or other electronic equipment. In addition to enjoying the heat that it provides, you cat may be looking for attention.

7. Bringing gifts:

Cats often bring back mice or bird to the family to provide for their young. The best thing to do is to ignore this and dispose the "food" when she is not looking. Giving her too much attention may encourage her to keep bringing gifts.

8. Kiddy kisses

If your cat is kissing you, he is just showing affection and love.

9 . Kitty chat or mischief:

If your cat is sitting at home doing nothing he may get bored or frustrated, climb, knock over things from the top of the bookshelf, meow loudly or sprint for no apparent reason. Cats are born to hunt. When they are acting out, they are practicing their hunting strategy.
Play time and interactive toys may help relieve some of that pent up energy.

10. Landing on his feet:

Cats have been know to fall 26 stories high and walk away uninjured.
Felines are able do this because they have lighter bones and fur than other animals. This makes them accelerate slower when falling. They are also using what is known as the riding reflex. This reflex starts developing as early as 3-4 weeks of age. This is what allows them to turn in mid-air and fall on all 4 paws. They begin this process by figuring out which way is up then they retract the front legs and turn while extending hind legs to allow the flip in mid-air. They then land with a rounded back and extended legs allowing the legs to bend on impact to absorb and distribute the load.
If your cat is not falling normally, limps or has difficulties going up or down stairs, furniture or in and out of the litter box, it may be time for a chiropractic visit.
So to resume, your cat purrs, rubs, kneads, sits on your lap top, brings gifts, knocks over stuff, runs around like crazy and give you kiddy kisses just to show you how much he loves you!
